Ain't Nobody Opening Your Emails IF...


These Proven Subject Line Formulas DON'T Suck...

I'll Prove it to You Right Now...

Press the Button to Generate FREE SAMPLES of Subject Line Formulas You Can Use to Sell ANY Offer in ANY Niche...



...And NEVER Run Out of Winning Subject Lines Again!

Give Your Subject Lines AND
ChatGPT Subject Line ‘Prompts’
A Power-Up Mushroom 🍄...

Sure, you might be using A.I. to write subject lines (who isn't these days?)...

But these very specific, proven-to-get-opened subject line FORMULAS are what you’re missing in order to get the most out of your email marketing

…And the best part is, you can use these formulas with OR without AI / ChatGPT!

Subject Line ‘Formulas’ Would BEAT
Subject Line ‘swipes’ in a Fight
and I’ll tell you WHY…

With swipes you’re literally just re-writing subject lines in random niches without knowing WHY those subject lines work...

With formulas you get to see the breakdown of each subject line, understand why it works and how to rewrite as many new ones as you want, and get this…

The new ones you write will ACTUALLY WORK because you followed the formula!

Use ChatGPT? Great!

Ask it to write you a subject line following one of the formulas and your results will be consistently better… Like this:

Write me a subject line to promote my skincare product using the following Subject Line Formula:

“[Benefit or Pain] + [Target Market]”

Subject line: The skin care secret for the over-50 crowd

Here’s another good one:

“Best [thing] + [specific time]”

Subject line: Best fruit late at night

These are proven subject line formulas that work for the best of the best email marketers out there…

How do I know?

Well, I happen to have worked for some of them. And you know what I did for them?

I wrote their emails!

Trust me, I know a thing or two about subject lines.

I even gave you a handful for FREE to test above!

Go ahead, scroll up to the top, press the green button and TEST those subject line formulas yourself.

Then, if they work for you... Come back and buy the rest of them. Or buy them now before the price goes up!

That's how confident I am that these will get more opens than usual for you...

...And at just pennies per subject line, it's really a no brainer if you send emails.

WHO Am I and WHY Should You
Buy My Subject Line Formulas?

That's a fair question.

Like I mentioned above, I write emails for some of the world's TOP digital marketers...

My Email Copy Generated
Over $2,204,084.55
For My Clients Last Year Alone!

I won't flex too much with name drops, but here is what some people say about my work...


Legendary Email Marketer: Matt Bacak

Rockstar Digital Marketer: Jeremy Kennedy

7-Figure Super Affiliate The "Deadbeat" Dan Brock

Here's Why YOU Need These Subject Line Formulas:

-> You Want [More] People to Open Your Emails & Buy Your Stuff

-> You Hate Staring Into Space Trying to Come Up With Subject Lines

-> You Want Subject Lines that Will Not Only Get Opens, But Lead to SALES

-> You Want Great Subject Line 'Prompts' to Feed to ChatGPT / AI Content Creation Apps

-> You Know the Value of Using PROVEN, Tested Copy & Formulas

-> You Love the Idea of NEVER Worrying About Subject Lines Again

Unlock ALL 50+ Subject Line Formulas Now!



To your emails being opened,

Shane Nathan